Starting a Clothing Company (as a software engineer) | Subtle Clothing Collection

Kevin J Nguyen
2 min readJan 5, 2020


Chinese New Year Design for 2020

As a college student, I dreamed of creating my own company but never believed in an idea enough to start my own. Throughout my college career, I attended dozens of hackathons (coding/project competitions), continually innovating on new ideas and developing an entrepreneur mindset. Hackathons taught me much about how companies can start up from simple projects, and the end goal does not have to be something as impactful as Google or Facebook.

In my final year of college, my roommate (Brian) proposed an idea to turn popular social media topics into clothing. We spent some time analyzing the appropriate way to begin the company, our audiences, and the possibility of making a profit. The risk was low, and the potential was there, thus gave birth to Subtle Clothing Collection. As a software engineer, I would design the website and integrate it with payment platforms/inventory management. Brian would manage any business-related tasks such as marketing and ideation.

We created Subtle Clothing Collection in the Summer of 2019 as a way to present trending social media topics in the form of clothing artifacts. The name Subtle stems from the rise of social media pages such as Subtle Asian Traits and Subtle Asian Dating.

The journey to creating this fashion company is a long one. Follow me for more articles about the lessons I’ve learned throughout the process! Check us out at



Kevin J Nguyen

A recent college graduate with a focus in Software Engineering and passions in photography, anime, and traveling.